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Welcome to Charlton Park!

The heart and soul of Charlton

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Friends of Charlton Park

Our Work

Charlton Park is at the very heart of our community. It’s an incredible space: a sporting hub for young and old, a social centre and the home to two vital charities – Riding for the Disabled and the Big Red Bus Club. 

The Friends of Charlton Park was founded in 2018. We are an open public group with the aim of helping everyone get the most from this great public facility. We are always keen to hear from different user groups about how they use the park and collaborate to make it better for everyone. We have organised two successful Parksfests in 2018 and 2019. This year we have ambitious plans to create a wildlife habitat in Charlton Park – but this can only happen with your help.

We want you to be part of this passionate ambitious team, which supports the park and our neighbours, who actually use it.

"Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher"

William Wordsworth

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